“You will have no other gods beside Me.”
“You will not make for yourself false idols.”
“You will not take My Name for emptiness.”
“You will remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.”
“You will honour your mother and father.”
“You will not murder.”
“You will not commit adultery.”
“You will not steal.”
“You will not bear false witness against your neighbour.”
“You will not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour.”
For good measure I proclaimed over myself, “You will love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength and, yes, you will love your neighbour as yourself.”
What a revelation and what sweet relief. For ‘Keeping the law’ read ‘Aligning with your destiny’. How can the law be a burden? It is a part of becoming who we are destined to be.